1. Name and Objectives
The name shall be the OGMORE VALLEY WHEELERS, hereinafter called OVW. The objectives of the OVW are to promote cycling of all disciplines within its membership and to disseminate to all members, information and advice on all matters appertaining to cycling and cyclists.
2. Headquarters and Area
The headquarters shall be decided by the general membership and endeavour to be placed within a reasonable and acceptable radius of the Ogmore Valley. Membership will not be restricted to any particular area.
3. Membership
Children under the age of 12 may apply for membership but such members would not be permitted to participate in any events on public roads except where such an event takes place on a closed circuit. Full membership of the OVW shall be open to all persons over the age of 12 years. All applications shall be made in writing and will be subject to the approval of the management committee. The method of management committee approval may be by closed ballot. Individual or family membership will be available. All members, upon acceptance of their application, must obtain appropriate 3rd party liability insurance with cover up to £10m (in line with British Cycling and Cycling UK). Riders required to take-out third-party insurance are defined as “riders cycling in the company of other club members”. All members, over the age of 16, shall be eligible to hold office if elected, attend the Annual General Meeting and be allowed full voting powers at the AGM.
Second claim membership will be at the discretion of the management committee, with no voting powers.
4. Subscriptions
The annual subscription shall be fixed at the AGM and become effective immediately. Any member, who has not paid the subscription by 31st December each year, shall be deemed to be in arrears and will cease to be a member until such time that membership is fully paid up. Membership runs from 31st December to the 31st December the following year. Memberships received after 1st September will continue to the 31st December the following year.
5. Register of Members
A register of members shall be kept by the Secretary or Treasurer, with full names and addresses of all members. Each member will be issued with the club rules / membership card.
6. Officers
The following officers shall administer the OVW: PRESIDENT, CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY and TREASURER, who shall be elected annually at the AGM. Any vacancy, which occurs during the year, may be filled by the management committee. Existing officers shall be eligible for re-election.
7. Duties
(I)The Chairman, or in his absence an elected Chairman, shall take the chair in all meetings and in the event of equality of voting shall have a casting vote.
(II) The Secretary shall carry out the directions of the management committee and whenever possible attend all such meetings and take minutes of the proceedings of such meetings. The delegation of such directions from the management committee does not prevent the Secretary from carrying out any or such duties if in the Secretary’s opinion, it would benefit and safeguard the OVW.
(III) The Treasurer shall pay all monies received from any source whatever into an account to the credit of the OVW at such bank and in such manner as the management committee may direct, and further, shall keep such accounts and pay such debts of the OVW as the management committee shall direct, and shall, when required to do so, render to the management committee, an account of any monies received and expended by the Treasurer. In addition to the Treasurer, the Management Committee will nominate two additional active members of the club to act as authorized Signatories of OVW cheques. Any two of these persons will be authorized to sign cheques on behalf of OVW. All cheques will require two signatories.
8. Management Committee
The business of the OVW shall be conducted by the Management Committee comprising of the officers and members whose number shall be decided and elected at the AGM, along with any such sub-officers decreed necessary. The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters not otherwise provided for in these rules and its decision on such matters will be binding on all members.
The quorum for a Management Committee meeting shall be 5, one of whom must be an elected officer of the OVW. The Management Committee shall consist of no more than 15 elected members.
9. Meetings
Meetings of the management committee will be decided at such frequency as deemed necessary, at a venue decided for such meetings, and at such meetings an attendance register shall be kept. All committee members will endeavour to attend meetings and if they are unable to attend will tender an apology prior to the meeting in question if possible.
Management committee meetings will not overlap with the scheduled time of club social evenings
10. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the OVW shall be held annually on the first Monday of November (unless this is November 5 th, in which case the meeting will be held on October 29th) All first claim members present, and who are fully paid up with subscriptions, are allowed to vote.
Written Proxy votes may be submitted at the AGM.
11. Extraordinary Meetings
An Extraordinary Meeting may be called by the management committee, or by a minimum of ten percent of the members giving at least twenty-eight days’ notice, to the Secretary, of the wish to convene such a meeting along with an agenda.
12. Club Meetings
The management committee shall decide on the frequency and venue for such meetings. Club meetings shall provide, whenever possible, refreshments, sporting and leisure activities in a sociable and relaxed atmosphere. From time to time, the management committee will formally arrange for guest speakers or provide film/video presentation on such dates that are deemed desirable.
13. Accounts and Reports
Annual reports are to be presented at the AGM along with the accounts and balance sheets as audited. Auditors shall be appointed each year at the AGM.
14. Meritorious Awards, Life and Honorary Membership
The management committee shall consider and submit to the AGM the names of members or other deserving persons who are recommended for any meritorious award that they seem deserving in recognition of service or achievement.
The management committee, for recommendation at the AGM shall also consider life or Honorary membership of deserving candidates.
15. Club and Open Events
The management committee will formulate annually by the appropriate date, the forthcoming season’s calendar of club and open events, together with the time, date and venue.
The appointed event secretary or his substitute will administer each event. The event secretary will be responsible for appointing Timekeepers, Recorders and Marshals along with all other posts required for the effective running of the event.
Due to the obligations and responsibilities of the event secretary during the event, it will not be permitted for the event secretary to compete in the event. An allowance will be made available for event secretaries (Open events). The management committee will fix the value of this allowance annually.
In club events, the appropriate number of marshals shall be provided from club members, or others, on a voluntary basis.
All other matters appertaining to club and open events not covered in these rules shall be in accordance with CTT or BC regulations.
To ensure the safe running of OVW Open events, the Event Secretary will reserve the right to withdraw any OVW rider to provide extra marshalling cover. In these instances, the club will reimburse the withdrawn rider/riders with their entry fees.
Notwithstanding any CTT or BC regulations, the event secretary’s decision on all matters appertaining to the event will be final.
16. Club Colours
The colours of the OVW shall be ‘Old Gold (Yellow), White and Black’ or such similar colours as may be deemed satisfactory by the management committee.
17. Prizes
The management committee, or any such subcommittee so convened, shall decide on any prizes, monies or other awards it deems appropriate to grant, subject to a maximum amount so decided by the management committee for such a purpose.
18. Alterations to Rules
No alterations or additions shall be made to these rules, except at the AGM or an EGM, and such alterations or additions shall require the votes of at least two thirds of the members present. All proposed alterations or additions to the rules must be made in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the AGM.
19. Club Runs
Club Runs will be arranged at the discretion of members, with Club Captains appointed or elected to organise and control such matters appertaining to the behaviour of members on such club runs.
Members MUST observe and obey the Club Captain of the day. On club runs from October 1st to March 1st inclusive, mudguards MUST be fitted to ALL bikes. The management committee shall decide rules and regulations of club runs.
20. Presentations
The management committee, at its discretion, will organise annually, during the month of November, a presentation evening. Members will be presented with various awards they have earned during the previous season. The management committee will decide on the Principal Guest and other invited guests for such presentation evenings.
21. Child Protection Policy Statement
The OVW is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for children and young people in accordance with the guidelines issued by the ‘Child-Safe in Sport Wales’ partnership
January 2023